Friday, June 27, 2008

Educational Blogs

The following are advantages and disadvantages of educational blogs. They are related to the case studies in the course content.

-create cooperative learning groups- group students into groups to work together and show how group work can be integrated into online course work.
- Use of technology- sometimes this can motivate individuals because the like using technology rather than writing on paper
-Increases their writing ability- students don't feel as pressured to write
- Students lead the learning- they are able to communicate more effectively with the class as a whole. Students learn to manage their time, process information, and evaluate their learning.

- Students can sometimes say too much. Since blogs are a place to journalize students are free to say their opinions, ideas, and attitudes.
- Time management- Some students will not take the time to read each students blogs.
- Inaccurate information- Some information provided in the blog may me incorrect information from the student.

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