Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bloom's Taxomony

Sometimes I wonder how my content will be able to fit into an online course. I feel that a lot of my content for classes I will teach is more of a hands on lab experience.

Looking at the Bloom's taxomony I could relate to putting the information online easily. There are so many tools to use that are available to discuss, work as groups, collaborate, etc. Like many other students have commented on using Wiki or Google docs. I think these are great tools for the students to collect all their thoughts. splitting the class into small groupsand trying to solve the issue is also a great way to work online. I think it is important to make them small, having more than 3 or 4 people in a group makes it very difficult for students to work together in an online enviroment. Disscusion boards are also a great tool for students to throw around their different ideas and make comments on other students. Discussion boards can serve as the only discussion in the online classroom. Having an active discussion is important because there is no face-to-face contact.
Harke taxonomy.doc (92 KB)

1 comment:

Datta Kaur said...

Holly, you are correct - if possible keep the groups down to 3-4 individuals. More than that the 'diversity' increases and the possible complications also increase.

Great taxonomy table - hope you are able to use this process to design your own online course.

Datta Kaur